Continuation of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM up to 31.03.2026
Date 26th April, 2023
Sub: Continuation of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM up to 31.03.2026
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and convey the approval of the Competent Authority on Continuation of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM up to 31.03.2026, with a financial outlay of Rs. 148.00 Cr. per year with a total outlay of Rs. 444.00 Cr. for the years 2023-24 to 2025-26, with the following major changes, applicable for the projects for which term loan is sanctioned on or after 01.04.2023:
- State/UT agency Storage as well as Non - storage infrastructure projects of those States/ Union Territories promoted by State/ UT Agricultural Marketing Departments/Directorates, State Agricultural Marketing Boards, Agricultural Produce Market Committees, State Warehousing Corporations, State Civil Supplies Corporations etc. that have undertaken reforms in their respective APMC Acts to make provision for (i) Direct Marketing; (ii) E-trading; (iii) Unified Single trading license valid across the State/UT and (iv) Single point levy of market fee across the State/UT will be eligible for assistance under the sub- A Certificate to this effect shall be submitted by the Competent Authority of the State Government.
- Assistance for renovation will be allowed and restricted to Storage infrastructure projects of Cooperatives routed through NCDC only for project cost as appraised by Bank / NCDC or actual cost or Rs.750/- per MT of storage capacity, whichever is lower.
- Storage Infrastructure projects (Godowns) above 1000 MT shall be registered with Warehouse Development Authority (WDRA) to avail the benefits of e-NWR. The promoter shall apply for registration to WDRA as soon as the project is completed and WDRA registration certificate has to be submitted along with the documents requesting for joint inspection of the project.
Detailed guidelines of the AMI scheme shall be issued in due course of time.
It is requested that the above approval may be brought to the notice of all stakeholders of AMI Sub-scheme of ISAM, including all the eligible Financial Institutions and Cooperative Institutions, accordingly.