MoFPI is now receiving applications for Food Testing Lab Subsidy
Date: 27.01.2023
Expression of Interest (E0I) for inviting proposals under the scheme of Setting up/Up gradation of Food Testing Laboratories, a sub scheme of PMKSY of MoFPI.
Proposals are invited under the Scheme for "Setting up/ Upgradation of Food Testing Laboratories" as per the scheme guidelines dated 8th June 2022.
- The entities may submit their proposals online at https://www.sampada-mofpi.gov.in/ with
relevant details as per the Operational Guidelines of the Scheme. The detailed guidelines of the scheme are available at https://www.mofpi.gov.in/Schemes/food-safety-quality-assurance-infrastructure/setting-gradation-quality-control-food-testing-laboratory/download-guidelines-4. - The last date for submitting application online is 17:00 hrs. on 13.03.2023. No physical mode
for submission of proposals shall be accepted. No documents or clarifications can be submitted after the last date of submitting the application. Evaluation of proposals will be done based on documents submitted online along with the application. - In case proposal is for setting up a new laboratory, the entity shall upload photographs of the
existing civil structure and building. - An entity applying for up-gradation of an existing food testing laboratory shall submit
justification for up-gradation in respect of export requirement (supported by the details of export samples being received/ expected to be received from nearby food processing units). - If the applicant has availed or is availing grant in aid under any other scheme of this Ministry
(MoFPI), the relevant documents to this effect shall be provided. - The entity shall ensure that the total of various components (i.e. Equipment, TCW, Furniture &
Fixtures, Consumables, other Expenditures etc) in the total project cost as well as the total of Means of Finance (i.e. Promoters' Contribution, Term Loan and Grant in aid) as indicated in the Annexure-I (Format of Application Form/DPR as per scheme guidelines dated 08.06.2022) exactly match with that in the Bank Appraisal Report. - The entities applying under the Scheme are required to submit a Demand Draft of Rs.
20,000/- or Rs. 15,000/-, as the case may be, as non-refundable fee, in favour of "Pay & Accounts Officer, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New Delhi". The demand drafts, in original, should reach the undersigned not later than one week after last date of submission of application i.e. by 20, March, 2023. - The link for submission of online application shall be available and functional from 10.00 hrs. of 27th January 2023 till 17.00 hrs. of 13th March, 2023.
- For issues/ queries, please contact Shri Shiv Shankar Sharma, Technical Director (NIC)
(email: sshanker@nic.in, Tel: 011-26406556) or the undersigned.