Shea Nut and Shea Butter removed from SION - Appendix 4J

Shea Nut and Shea Butter Import

Shea Nut and Shea Butter removed from SION - Appendix 4J


Public Notice No.43/2015-2020 Dated. 12th December, 2022

Subject:- Amendment in Appendix 4J of Handbook of Procedures 2015-20- reg.

In exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 & 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP), 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendment in Appendix 4J of Handbook of Procedures, 2015-2020:

The existing entry at 10 of Appendix 4J is amended to be read as under:



Import Item(s)

Export Obligation Period with pre-import condition from the date of clearance of each import consignment by Customs Authority


Import items (except Shea Nut or Shea butter) as allowed under notified SION/prior fixation of norms by NC for export of all items covered under Chapter 7 and Chapter 15 of ITC(HS) Classification.

90 days


Effect of this Public Notice: The import item Shea Nut or Shea Butter is excluded from serial number 10 of Appendix 4J with immediate effect.



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