Upload e-BRCs against issued RoSCTL scrips before 30.09.2022

Uploading of e-BRC for shipping bills on which RoSCTI Scrip

Upload e-BRCs against issued RoSCTL scrips before 30.09.2022


Trade Notice No. 16 /2022-23   Dated: 6th September, 2022

Subject : Uploading of e-BRC for shipping bills on which RoSCTI, scrip has been availed from DGFT RAs - Extension upto 30.09.2022

  1. Attention of the trade and industry members is drawn to Trade Notice No. 12 dated 30.05.2022, wherein the exporting community was requested to get the relevant e-BRCs uploaded onto the DGFT server latest by 15.07.2022. It may be noted that the last date for uploading of all such e-brcs, where RoSCTL scrips have been issued for shipping bills upto 31.12.2020 has been further extended till 30.09.2022, failing which action as per para 4.96 of HBP, as notified vide PN 58 dated 29.01.2020 would be initiated by the jurisdictional RAs. After 30.09.2022, no further extension would be granted and action under FT (D&R) Act, 1992 may be taken by the Regional Authorities.
  2. Export Promotion Councils / Textile associations are requested to give wide dissemination to this Trade Notice in the interest of the apparel and made-ups exporting community.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.



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