Commercial Horticulture Development in open field conditions on project mode

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Commercial Horticulture Development in open field conditions on project mode

National Horticulture Board (NHB) is an organization setup by Govt. of India under the Ministry of Agricultures and Farmers welfare. The main objective of this organization is to improve integrated development of Horticulture industry and to help in coordinating, sustaining the production and processing of fruits and vegetables. As a part of this mission, NHB has started the Commercial Horticulture Development in open field conditions on project mode scheme.

The components under this scheme will include

  1. Planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, precision farming, GAP etc. for projects covering area over 2.00 ha. (5 Acres).
  2. In case of NE Region, projects having area over 1 Acre are eligible
  3. Integration of production unit with on farm Post Harvest Management components and primary processing unit shall also be allowed
  4. Integrated production unit on Mushroom and tissue culture shall also be eligible for assistance under this component
  5. Farm machinery and PHM infrastructure, irrigation and micro irrigation etc shall be eligible under the scheme for assistance in existing/new orchards/projects to increase productivity.

Pattern of assistance:

  1. Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 40% of the total project cost limited to Rs 30.00 lakh per project in general areas
  2. Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of project cost limited to Rs. 37.50 lakh in NE Region, Hilly States and scheduled areas.

Plantations assisted under this scheme: Almond, Aonla, Apple, Apricot, Banana (Sucker), Banana (TC), Ber, Cherry, Lime & Lemons, Mandarine /Orange, Sweet orange, Custard apple, Fig, Grapes, Guava, Kiwi, Litchi, Mango, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Peach, Pear, Pineapple (Suck), Pineapple (TC), Plum, Pomegranate, Sapota, Strawberry, Walnut, Jack Fruit, Cashewnut, Coconut, Olive, Date Palm, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Citronella, Giranium, Stevia, Palmarosa, Mint, Celery and Tamarind

Technology Add on components and other essential components Assisted under this scheme

  1. Cost of Land
  2. Land Development
  3. Cultivation expenses
  4. Drip system with internal pipeline
  5. Irrigation infrastructure excluding micro irrigation
  6. Horticulture Mechanization
  7. Civil Infrastructure
  8. Vermi Compost unit
  9. Certification for Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), including infrastructure
  10. Support system for Grapes (trellis, telephone, bawar and other system etc
  11. Plastic Mulching
  12. Bed Preparation Cost in the cases requiring Soil replacement

Important to remember:

  • Project should strictly comply with the prescribed NCCD Technical standards and protocols, else the project is not eligible for any financial assistance.
  • Detailed Project Reports, Technical Standards, Basic Data Sheet and Protocols should only be in the formats specified by the NHB.
  • All the details specified in Detail Project Report, Bank Appraisal report and Application should be same. If there is any mismatch in the information the project is liable for rejection.
  • Only one project per family or a legal entity is eligible for receiving the assistance under this scheme
  • The applicant should have ‘clear land title’ or ‘registered lease hold right’ over the land.
  • No work related to the project should be started before the approval from NHB
  • The lending bank should first appraise the project and only then sanction the term loan
  • The lending bank should not disburse the term loan before receiving approval from NHB
  • A Joint Inspection Team (JIT) consisting of representative from NHB, bank, Crop & Post Harvest Expert, State Hort./Agri. Department , Technical Expert will conduct joint inspection of the project in the presence of Applicant to inspect the project for its compliance to NHB scheme guidelines and requirements.
  • Competent committees constituted by NHB shall appraise the said project based on JIT report to decide subsidy claim and its amount with reasons/ grounds.

For more details about the scheme please contact us. We can help you with

  • Making error free applications to NHB with accurate Detailed Project Reports, Technical Standards, Basic Data Sheet and Protocols.
  • Reviewing Bank Appraisal Reports to check for any data inconsistencies
  • Maintaining the progress of the project as per the recommendations NHB
  • Assist you in the regular Joint Inspections and submission of follow-up documents to NHB
  • Represent your case before NHB for any difficulties faced in implementation of the project.

Our Unique Services

  1. Preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPR)
  2. Layout Drawings
  3. Facilitating various permissions required from various Govt. Departments
  4. Error free application processing for various subsidies and incentives
  5. Facilitating the arrangement of subsidies and incentives from Govt. Departments
  6. Advisory on Purchase of Machinery / Technology and Civil works


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